Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why Can't I Practice my Open Water Swim in Daybreak?

We have asked that athletes please NOT practice in Oquirrh Lake at Daybreak. This is NOT a water quality issue! The water quality is excellent. The water actually comes from Utah Lake, is filtered, and then continues to be filtered through a state-of-the-art filtration system in the lake.

We ask PLEASE NO SWIMMING because:
-It is a privately-owned lake and the owners are not willing to take on the liability of allowing swimming.
-Residents pay big bucks to live next to a beautiful lake and do not want polluted or mistreated.
-Landscaping around the lake is young and fragile and can be easily damaged by swimmers.

Please respect the rules and wait until September 19th to take the plunge! We promise, it will worth the wait!


  1. I can understand the reasons for not allowing swimming at Daybreak. Stansbury Lake seems to be a similar situation, is swimming allowed there?

  2. The Lake at Stansbury is for residents only! They are allowing us use of the lake for the race and the clinics. So, no swimming in there either.

  3. Oh well, it was worth a shot :)

  4. I am a resident here at Daybreak and today (5/23/09) at 2:15pm on the sandy beach across from the boat dock there were two men getting into their wet/dry suits to practice in the lake. I kayaked over and specifically told them as nice as I could that this lake is not open for practicing. They kept on dressing and said how are we to do a triathlon if we don't practice in the actual lake? I replied that the triathlon isn't until late September and they better find another place to practice. They went ahead and swam. I told the people at the boat dock, then called Daybreak security, then called Daybreak HOA after hours non-emergency number. I really hope someone made them get out. THIS IS NOT COOL....I am training for the triathlon too and would love to practice here, but I live here and respect the rules as well as the water!! PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT SWIM IN OQUIRRH LAKE. And, if you two are reading this....shame on you. Did you think I was kidding? =)

  5. This issue of do I swim here or not is a frustrating one. I too am a resident of Daybreak and go to the lake on a regular basis and see people swimming every weekend. Why is it that we believe this lake is the sole ownership of its residents? I think that the Triathlon community takes grat pains to ensure the impact on all natural resources are minimized. The great Tesla lyrics for the song Signs comes to mind when I see banter regarding private lakes. As many have heard today the lake has been closed due to ring worm infestation. Seems despite closing the lake to swimming and a "State of the Art filtration system" the lake was still susceptable.
