Monday, April 20, 2009

Post Race Pool Party!

Planning to race Stansbury Park? Bring your suit and plan to take a dip in the pool or relax in the sauna. Thanks to Millpond Spa and Retreat, our athletes and their supporters are invited to enjoy some pool time. The pool is located within just yards of the transition area, how convenient! Like you needed another reason to race...

Triathlon Training for Women

Thanks to all who made our training session a really fun time! It was so great to workout with these amazing women from all walks of life. The coaches were fantastic and we all really benefited from their expertise.

Also, a big thanks to the Kearn Oquirrh Park Fitness Center for letting us use their incredible facilities!

It was such a good time we must do it again soon!

What do I Wear?

This is the most common question I get asked by beginners. So, I am about to shed some light on the subject.

1. Do not plan on changing your clothes in the transition area. You want to get in and out as soon as possible and a wardrobe change is simply not in the cards.

2. Wear the same thing throughout the entire race. See More Information for details.

3. Wear fast drying fabrics.

4. Have layers available. You may want to throw on a windbreaker for the bike portion... keep your options open. Gloves may come in handy too.

5. A helmet is required! You will not be allowed to race without a helmet!

6. Keep it simple. You can always invest in fancier gear as you become more involved in the sport. But as a beginner, don't feel pressure to run out and buy all new gear.

More Information:
For women I suggest a sports bra and a tight fitting workout type top made of quick drying fabric. If it is snug it will dry faster from your body heat. I also suggest bike shorts or tri shorts. I prefer the tri shorts because they have a smaller pad and don't absorb as much water, they dry faster and they are more comfortable to swim and run in. However, your regular bike shorts will work just fine. For men, same thing basically but trade the workout top and sports bra for a technical tee or a bike/tri jersey.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Triathlon Training for Women

Join us for a FREE training session!
Saturday, April 18
9:00 am til you are tired
Kearns Oquirrh Park Fitness Center
(site of the Spring Sprint Triathlon)

Several USAT coaches on hand
Swim, spin & run!
Free samples from Team Luna
Fox 13 News camera crew will be there filming for a peice about Women in Triathlon!
Come inspire other women to get involved!